
The Role of Public-Private Collaboration in the EU’s Efforts to Counter Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism

Benjamin Dante

Copenhagen Business School



Starting date: 1 February 2023

Completion date:  31 January 2026

Project description:

This dissertation seeks to identify to what extent the provisions of the European Union (EU) Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) regulatory framework promote and facilitate collaboration between competent authorities and obliged entities in EU member states for the purpose of sharing information and intelligence to strengthen AML/CFT efforts. Furthermore, the dissertation asks how this, in a Danish context, is effectuated in practice.

Governance in the digital economy: assessing data privacy regulations and their impact on data commodification business strategies

Marianne Jade Buffat

Copenhagen Business School


Tel.:    +45 60 89 24 21


Starting date: 01.11.2022

Completion date:  01.11.2025

Project description:

This research project aims to explore how data privacy regulations drive data commodification business strategies in Europe. While data privacy regulations are being implemented and applied with varying degrees of effectiveness and civil society is increasingly aware of data privacy issues under a system of “surveillance capitalism”, ie. commodification of data for the sake of creating more data, both compliance and governance regimes are showing their limits in the rapidly evolving context of digital innovations and business practices. As such, digital practices continue to outpace digital law innovations, limiting the effectiveness of legal instruments of compliance. This research seeks to investigate approaches and tools to make data regulations in the EU more effective from a business strategy perspective.

Sustainable Contracting from a Value Chain Perspective

Frederik Skamris Holm

Copenhagen Business School



Starting date: 1 October 2022

Completion date:  30 September 2025

Project description:

This research project aims to explore how the latest developments in contracting theory within private contracts could help facilitate the objectives of transitioning to a low-carbon economy while generating value across the value chain within the frame of the consolidated regulation of the EU. This will require an understanding of how value is created within the contract and how the value chain perspective impacts
the way in which we see privity of contract and an understanding of the legal framework that governs sustainable contracting. To do this, the following research question has been developed, and within this research project, this will be answered: 

How could the contractual framework support joint objectives of transitioning to a low-carbon economy and value creation across the value

EU-rettens betydning for den administrative håndhævelse af miljølovgivningen

Thomas Haugsted

Københavns Universitet, Det Juridiske Fakultet


Tlf.:   +45 30 24 24 78 


Startdato: 01.10.2020

Slutdato:  30.09.2024

Afhandlingen beskæftiger sig med EU-rettens betydning for de danske forvaltningsmyndigheders håndhævelse af miljølovgivningen. Formålet er navnlig at belyse, hvorledes EU-retten ændrer ved eller i øvrigt påvirker dansk rets almindelige regler for administrativt tilsyn og kontrol på miljøområdet, herunder ved sanktionering af lovovertrædelser. Afhandlingen vil inddrage perspektiver fra blandt andet hollandsk ret.