Legal history/philosophy. Legal sociology. Jurisprudence

Strukturelle rammers betydning for retsanvendelsen i kommunal sagsbehandling på socialområdet

Julie Hvid Thøgersen

Juridisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet


Tlf.:   +45 30 49 32 43      


Startdato: 01.02.2021

Slutdato:  01.02.2024

En retssociologisk undersøgelse af, hvilken betydning de strukturelle rammer har for at sagsbehandlingen er i overensstemmelse med gældende ret. Fokus er på sager inden for sagsbehandlingen på socialområdet. For at konkretisere afhandlingens undersøgelse er børnehandicapområdet, specifikt servicelovens § 41 valgt som case.

Law, private governance, and immigrants' experiences of integration barriers in Denmark

Maj Rørdam Nielsen

Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen - Centre for Private Governance


Tlf.:   +45 35 33 05 02      


Startdato: 01.09.2020

Slutdato:  01.09.2023


The project forms part of the collective research project "Law and Private Governance for a New Understanding of Immigrant Integration" (LUII), led by Associate Professor Silvia Adamo, which aims at examining barriers to integration and the potential for private actors to promote integration within the Danish legal framework for integration.
The PhD project is socio-legal in its nature and examines effects of the legislation from the point of view of the people concerned by the law. The project specifically investigates to what extent immigrants in Denmark experience legal barriers in their access to employment, health care and housing. Further, the project explores current and potential roles of private actors, including companies, NGOs, trade unions, and housing associations, in promoting integration. The purpose is to examine to what extent an increased involvement of private actors in the legal framework could potentially reduce relevant barriers and thus facilitate integration better.

Taking Rights of Nature and Human Rights Seriously

Katarina Hovden

Centre for European and Comparative Legal Studies (CECS), Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen


Tel.:  + 45 42 72 62 91 


Starting date: 1 September 2017

Completion date:  31 August 2021

Project description:
Rights of nature are gaining traction. Several countries have adopted rights of nature laws (at constitutional, national, and local level) or recognised the rights of nature in court judgments. These laws and legal sources inter alia recognise that nature is a subject of the law, and, in certain cases, grant specific legal rights to nature. Born out of an Earth-centred or ecological paradigm, rights of nature (laws) present a fundamental challenge to the otherwise anthropocentric or human-centric system of law and governance.
Set against these developments, the PhD project studies the relationship(s) between the rights of nature and human rights in jurisdictions that recognise both categories of right-holders. Mindful that most legal and governance systems remain anthropocentric, individualistic and mechanistic in their very structure, the project will investigate what happens at the interface between the old paradigm (most existing individual human rights) and the new, ecological paradigm (the rights of nature). Questions to be explored include> When rights conflict (as they often do), whose rights prevail and under what circumstances? Is there a risk that the prevailing (anthropocentric) legal order will subsume and swallow the ecological one, rendering the rights of nature “mere rhetoric”? If so, what would it take for the ecological paradigm to penetrate the anthropocentric machinery of law?