About JurForsk

Welcome to JurForsk – the Danish Legal Research Education Programme

The Danish Legal Research Education Programme (JurForsk) (previously the Danish Research School of Law) covers the following research institutions:

Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen (UC);
Department of Law, School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University (AU);
Department of Law, University of Southern Denmark (SDU);
Department of Law, Aalborg University (AAU);
Law Department, Copenhagen Business School (CBS);
Institute of Food and Resource Economics, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen (SCIENCE).

JurForsk started its activities on 1 January 2007, backed by a five-year grant from the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation. The Faculty of Law at the University of Copenhagen hosted the programme until summer 2009. Since then, the Department of Law at Aarhus University has the role of host institution. Daily manager is Associate Professor Susanne Kier, and  Chairman of the board is Professor Nina Dietz Legind.

The objective of JurForsk is to ensure that the legal research programme offered through the JurForsk courses is of a high and uniform international standard. JurForsk is based on the assumption that strong and mutually binding collaboration among the institutions is fundamental to holding one’s own in the international competition. JurForsk plans to expand the existing international collaboration, which has been developed especially among institutions in the Nordic region, and will promote the expansion and establishment of Nordic and international networks among research students.

The participating institutions also want to ensure that uniform ECTS values are set for PhD law courses. The participating institutions have thus declared their intention to conform to the ECTS values set for courses offered through JurForsk and to set ECTS values for other legal research courses in accordance with the relevant guidelines issued by JurForsk.

Jurisprudence is the academic area covered by JurForsk, but the programme is also open to academically based collaboration with other fields of research.

Here you can read more about the Danish Legal Research Education Programme (JurForsk ) – the participating institutions, rules, information about administration, management, board meetings etc.