Course title | ECTS | Course provider |
2024 | ||
Methodology and Research Strategy in EU Digital Regulation | 4 | CBS |
Retshistorie i juridiske (retsdogmatiske) afhandlinger | 1 | AU |
Juridiske forskningsmetoder | 5 | AU/SDU |
Praktisk forskningsarbejde, informationssøgning og referencehåndtering (metode I) | 2 | AU |
The role of science in legal research: expanding the limits of legal projects | 2 | AU |
2023 | ||
Retsteori i juridiske afhandlinger | 1 | AU |
Functional and Consequential Analysis in Legal Research (postponed till 2024) | 2.5 | CBS |
Doctoral Education in Law: Perspectives and Challenges 2023 (cancelled, postponed till 2024) | 2 | JurForsk |
PhD course: Theory and Methodology in Law | 3 | KU |
Fællesnordisk forskerkursus om udvalgte metodespørgsmål til formueretlige forskningsprojekter | 2 | KU |
PhD course: Human rights research methods | 4 | KU/Danish Institute for Human Rights |
Fra problemformulering til struktur | 1 | SDU |
Metode III: Fortolkning, implementering og retsanvendelse | 3 | AU |
Research in Tax Law | 2 | NHH & Bergen University |
Digitalisering og juridisk forskning - retlige udfordringer og teoretiske perspektiver | 3 | AU |
PhD Course: Policy Advice, Outreach & Dissemination of Research | 3 | KU |
Videnskabelighed og metode - med særligt henblik på formueretten | 3 | AAU |
Ph.d. kursus om lovfortolkning i juridiske afhandlinger | 2 | AU |
Juridiske forskningsmetoder - Metode II | 5 | AU |
Metode I: Praktisk forskningsarbejde, informationssøgning og referencehåndtering | 2 | AU |
Retspolitik i juridiske afhandlinger | 1 | AU |
2022 | ||
Fortolkning, implementering og retsanvendelse | 3 | AU |
Theory and Methodology in Law | 3 (5) | KU |
Digitalisering og juridisk forskning - retlige udfordringer og teoretiske perspektiver | 3 | AU |
Retsteori i retsdogmatiske afhandlinger | 1 | AU |
Ph.d. Course: Researching and Writing in English | 0.5 | KU |
PhD Course: Ignorance, Agnotology and Uncertainty: Drivers for Doctoral Research | 1 | KU |
Komparativ ret i retsdogmatiske afhandlinger | 1 | AU |
Forskning i formueretlige principper med et fokus på erstatningsret | 1 | SDU |
Communication and Dissemination of Research: How to reach the Public | 3 | KU |
The role of science in legal research: expanding the limits of legal projects | 3 | AU |
Juridiske forskningsmetoder - ph.d. kursus i metode II | 5 | AU/SDU |
Ph.d. kursus i anvendelse af retspraksis i juridiske afhandlinger | 3 (+1 for analysis of court decision) | AU |
Retshistorie i retsdogmatiske afhandlinger | 1 | AU |
Ph.d. kursus (metode I): Praktisk forskningsarbejde, informationssøgning og referencehåndtering | 2 | AU |
2021 | ||
Proactive and responsible legal approaches to digitalisation | 3 | AU |
Research methods in law | 4½ | KU |
Retsteori i retsdogmatiske afhandlinger | 1 | AU |
Practical experience and theories of legal interpretation, implementation and application of law | 3 | AU |
Research in tax law | 3 (estimate) | CBS, Norwegian School of Economics, University of Bergen |
Doctoral education in law: Perspectives and challenges (konference) | 1½ - 2 (according to participation) | JurForsk |
Forskningsspørgsmål, problemfelt og hypotese | 1 | SDU |
Offentlig digitalisering - teknologiske, forvaltningsretlige og metodiske aspekter | 1 | AU, KU, Horten |
Formueretlige principper i forskningen - forskning i formueretlige principper | 1 | SDU |
Academic legal writing | 2 (1 extra possible) | KU |
Course No. II: Basic course in different legal scientific methods | 5 | AU/SDU |
Course No. I: Practical research and legal information retrieval | 2 | AU |
Communicate your research | 2 | KU |
Research methods in law | 4½ | KU |
2020 | ||
Retsdogmatik, god forskningspraksis og kvalitetskriterier | 1 | AAU |
Course No. III: Practical experience and theories of legal interpretation, implementation and application of law | 3 | AU |
PhD course: Ignorance, agnotology, and uncertainty: Drivers for doctoral research | 1 | KU |
Law, economics and politics - interdisciplinary approaches to legal research | 1 | AU/AAU |
Functional analysis and normative frameworks in the study of law | 2½ | CBS |
Doctoral education in law: Perspectives and challenges (konference - udskudt) | 1½ - 2 (according to participation) | JurForsk |
Forskningsspørgsmål, problemfelt og hypotese i juridisk forskning | 1 | AAU/SDU |
Domme som retskilde i juridiske afhandlinger | 1 | KU |
Komparativ ret i juridiske ph.d. afhandlinger | 1 | SDU/AAU |
Proactive and responsible legal approaches to digitalisation - legal challenges and theories | 3 | AU |
Formueretlige metodespørgsmål | 2 | AU |
Ph.d. kursus i anvendelse af retspraksis i juridiske afhandlinger | 3 (1 extra possible) | AU |
Course No. II: Basic course in different legal scientific methods | 5 | AU/SDU |
Course on academic legal writing | 2 (2 extra possible) | KU |
PhD course: Ignorance, agnotology, and uncertainty: Drivers for doctoral research | 1 | KU |
Course No. I: Practical research and legal information retrieval | 2 | AU |
2019 | ||
PhD course on introduction to methodology and research methods in law | 4½ | KU |
Course No. III: Practical experience and theories of legal interpretation, implementation and application of law | 3 | AU |
PhD course on global disaster studies: Past, present and future | 3 | KU |
PhD course on models of legal disruption | 1 | KU |
Proactive and responsible legal approaches to digitalisation - legal challenges and theories | 3 | AU |
Nordisk forvaltningsretlig konference 2019: Digital forvaltning | 2 | SDU |
PhD course on economic theories in competition law | 3½ | KU |
iCourts summer school | 5 | KU, University in Oslo |
Course No. II: Basic course in different legal scientific methods | 5 | AU/SDU |
PhD course on collaborative contracts and knowledge sharing | 1 (2 if presenting) | KU |
Ph.d. kursus: Administrativ praksis som retskilde i ph.d. afhandlinger | 2 | KU |
PhD course on information and innovation law - methodological issues | 2 | KU |
Basiskursus: Kvalitetskriterierne i retsvidenskaben | 1½ | AU |
Videnskabelighed og metode - med særligt henblik på formueretten | 2 | AAU |
PhD seminar on qualitative research methods in legal studies | 2½ | KU |
Course No. I: Practical research and legal information retrieval | 2 | AU |
2018 | ||
PhD course in law and economics | 2½ | CBS |
Course No. III: Practical experience and theories of legal interpretation, implementation and application of law | 3 | AU |
Formueretlige principper i forskningen - forskning i formueretlige principper | 1 | SDU |
Doctoral education in law: Perspectives and challenges 2018 | 2 | JurForsk |
Proactive and responsible legal approaches to digitalisation - legal challenges and theories | 3 | AU |
Videnskabelighed og metode - med særligt henblik på formueretten | 2 | AAU |
Course No. II: Basic course in different legal scientific methods | 5 | AU |
PhD course: Human rights research methods | 4 | KU, Danish Institute for Human Rights |
Basiskursus: Kvalitetskriterierne i retsvidenskaben | 1½ | AU |
Course No. I: Practical research and legal information retrieval | 2 | AU |
Forvaltnings- og socialretlige problemstillinger - samt metodiske og internationale aspekter | 2 | AAU |