
PhD Course on Economic Instruments in Legal Research - An Introduction

7 June 2016 - Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

Info about event


Tuesday 7 June 2016,  at 09:00 - 16:00


Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, 1st floor, room 02-1-38, Studiestræde 6, Copenhagen

The PhD School and Centre for European Studies in Economic Law (CESEL), at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, invite all PhD students and postdoc fellows within the discipline of jurisprudence to a course on

Economic Instruments in Legal Research – An Introduction

A broad spectrum of models and instruments of an economic nature is available for legal researchers in their academic work and are already being utilized to various extents.

The Centre for European Studies and Economic Law (CESEL) is therefore offering a course intended as an introduction for PhD students and postdoc fellows to economic thinking and instruments in response to their increased use in legal theory. Through an introduction the course strives to establish a better understanding of the potentials and limitations of economic models and assumptions, hopefully facilitating better research in the long run.

The course offers an introduction but nevertheless holds the ambition of facilitating intended learning outcomes covering the PhD student´s abilities to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of legal research methodologies and techniques,
  • Apply such methodologies and techniques within a specific field of research,
  • Critically evaluate the scientific value of information from different knowledge resources, including legal information systems,
  • Demonstrate a broad understanding of the various scientific and non-scientific approaches to legal analysis as well as an understanding of the role of these various approaches in legal research, and
  • Understand and appreciate the use of statistic models in social science.

However, the course does not hold ambitions to facilitate current utilization among the participants and would therefore be less suited for researchers actually applying instruments. In addition, the course is limited to two fields of application due to time restraints and thus confines itself to an introduction.

Introduction (pdf)

Programme (pdf)


7 June 2016 9:00 -16:00


Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, 1st floor, room 02-1-38, Studiestræde 6, Copenhagen



Course organiser

CESEL, Centre for European Studies in Economic Law/ Associate Professor, Christian Bergqvist. E-mail: Christian.bergqvist@jur.ku.dk

Maximum no. of participants


Signing up

Please sign up by filling in this form
no later than 23 May 2016